Monkey Magic - Surry Hills

Sorry I've promise last month that I would start uploading my travel photos. But apparently I've been quiet busy looking for work. Especially when the design community in Sydney is fairly small, it makes it even harder and much more competitive for one to enter the industry. Luckily I was offered an internship position at Suboo. I'm so thankful for this opportunity . They are clearly a bunch of wonderful and talented people.

Anyways lets go back to the topic today's blog which is monkey magic and please dont mistaken it as being the TVB series monkey magic because its not. Well today I had a little highschool reunion at this place called Monkey Magic and let me tell you the sushi there was delicious. Yummm! the ambience of this restaurant was excellent too. and I really recommend their softshell crab and their special Monkey Magic sushi. As for the dessert I'm quiet dissapointed with the choc fondant, its definitely not the best ones, but I love their ice-cream. Wish I could order five scoops of it :) Overall, I recommend this japanese restaurant to those that are looking for a new hang out place, but keep in mind that the food is a little pricey.

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